Neurointervention Advances

Neurointervention Advances focus on the evolving techniques and technologies used to treat Neurological conditions through minimally invasive procedures. This field includes the development of advanced catheter-based procedures for addressing cerebrovascular disorders, such as aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. Recent innovations involve the use of neurovascular stents, coil embolization, and mechanical thrombectomy to manage stroke and improve patient outcomes.

  • Track 21-1: Endovascular Techniques for Aneurysm Treatment
  • Track 21-2: Mechanical Thrombectomy Innovations
  • Track 21-3: Neurovascular Stenting
  • Track 21-4: Image-Guided Brain Tumor Resection
  • Track 21-5: Neuroendoscopic Procedures
  • Track 21-6: Advanced Coil Embolization Techniques

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